Olton Baptist Church (OBC) is committed to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all those associated with the church and will pray for them regularly. The church’s Safeguarding Policies are reviewed annually and the church has procedures in place to ensure the policies are implemented. Our procedures include the following:

      • the prevention and reporting of abuse
      • safer recruitment, support and supervision of workers
      • safe working practices
      • respect for children, young people and adults at risk

If you have a Safeguarding concern related to OBC please contact the appropriate Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS) as below. The DPSs act as deputies for each other.

OBC Contact Details

Children Adults
DPS Sharon Peters TBC
DPS Tel. 07825 212928
DPS Email
Trustee Email
Policy Document Children's Safeguarding Policy Adults at Risk Safeguarding Policy

Other Useful Phone Numbers

Children Adults
Police 101 (999 in Emergency) 101 (999 in Emergency)
Solihull Local Authority 0121 788 4300 0121 704 8007
0121 605 6060 (out of hours)
Birmingham Local Authority 0121 303 1888 0121 303 1234
0121 675 4806 (out of hours)
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
Childline 0800 1111

Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments relating to Children and Young People can be found in the OBC Resources Area on the Church Google Drive.

The Risk Assessment Template can be found in the OBC Resources Area under the ‘RISK ASSESSMENTS – Children and Young People’ folder. It should be downloaded before editing and new Risk Assessments should be sent to the Church Administrator for filing.